Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obama's Fund Raising Woes...

At this point Obama has had Clinton appear with him on numerous occasions to promote party unity, as well as raise money that both Senators are in need of. Clinton still has $22 Million in campaign debt, and Obama will have a hard fought general election campaign against Senator John McCain. Obama's biggest problem with regard to fund raising thus far is getting Clinton supports to financially back his campaign. Many are hesitant to do so unless he shifts some of his positions to be more aligned with Clinton's point of view. It will be interesting to watch the dollar drama continue to unfold, and to see how it actually ends up.

A little project update:

The initial data set with superdelegate information is about 80% complete. The second set should not take as much time, but I predict the final datasets and report will be completed or near-completed prior to my attendance of the DNC.

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