Monday, August 4, 2008

Another Edwards VP Nominee?

Speaker-of-the-House Nancy Pelosi has made a point to start pushing for a Congressman, Rep. Chet Edwards D-TX, to be considered for the VP nomination on the presumptive Obama ticket. Edwards name is now being considered with the likes of Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, and Gov. Tom Kline of Virginia.

The most powerful woman in America could have pushed Edwards name on to the list for a number of reasons. One dominant reason may have to do with geography. Rep. Edwards is from Texas, and his district includes President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tx. In an attempt to try and sew up a state that has been held by Republicans for the last two Presidential elections, Pelosi's geographic variation tactic may work. A lack of name recognition may be hurtful, but time will truly show if the Democratic party will run another "Edwards" for VP.

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